I've never cut anyone's hair before and I have no idea where to start. He has normal hair but it curls when it gets long, He usually wears a hat and when it grows out his hair curls up and out from under it. He just wants it cut short, but not too short and to look neat. He usually goes to a barbers, but we don't have the money and I'm afraid I'm gonna butcher his hair if I try to cut it. Please help!!!
What would be the best way to go about cutting my guy's hair?
I cut my husband's hair, and his two brothers' hair, and just the other day his dad complained about getting a bad haircut at the salon and asked if I'd start cutting his hair (and he's REALLY picky!) ....anyway...this is how I do it.
1. Get some electric clippers. We bought ours at Target and got them for less than $20 and they have attachments so you clip the little plastic thing on depending on how short you want to cut it, and just run it through the hair like a comb. Unless the hair is very long or curly, it will cut pretty evenly if you thoroughly cover the head.
2. If your guy doesn't want a "buzz" cut (same length all over) and wants it tapered (shorter at the sides, around the ears, and at the neck, while leaving it longer on the top and front) then you need to:
- Put a long attachment on (1 inch or so, however long you want the top part to be) and cut all the hair that length.
-Then remove all attachments and use a comb to comb the sideburns up away and trim them short (careful not TOO short, but a nice close trim). Also, go around the ears carefully. Use a comb and I always hold the clippers straight and lift straight up toward the ceiling and a little away from the head. You want the hairs above the ears to be SHORT and gradually let them lengthen as you get closer to the top of the head, so the hair length gradually goes from like 1/8th inch to 1 inch. Then go around the back of the neck, doing the same thing, trimming it close at the neck, lifting up and tapering it out to longer toward the top of the head.
3. Then I always shave the neck, using no attachments and getting it as close as possible, or even use a razor. I use the clippers to make a distinct line around the back of the neck. Then shave all the hair on the neck below that line.
This will be harder if your guy wants his hair long, since I cut my brother's very curly hair once and he wanted it a few inches long, with springy curls. I used scissors and it took FOREVER since his hair is very thick. His would be harder to cut with the clippers, but I have done long hair too. Usually I just take off the attachment, use a comb to hold the hair out from the head evenly, and trim in an upward motion with the clippers. If using scissors, keep the scissors vertical, not horizontal. A horizontal cut will put a shelf or mark in the side of the head. As long as you cut vertically, straight up or at least tapered up, the scissors won't make a very noticeable mark if you aren't exactly even. A lot of combing and trimming again and again is necessary if you cut with scissors....the clippers are worth the money.
And finally GOOD FOR YOU! You will save yourselves a TON of money because guys get haircuts pretty often, and if you can do it yourself you'll be so much ahead! Good luck!
What would be the best way to go about cutting my guy's hair?
it's not easy to teach someone how to cut hair in one answer. the easiest thing you can do is buy clippers and put the biggest attachment on it. it will leave the hair about 1-2 inches long. good luck.
What would be the best way to go about cutting my guy's hair?
First of all good luck wit that! okay so heres wat you do....
Trim the back,
working from the
bottom upwards.
Repeat around sides
and back of head.
For the bangs,
measure out the
length using your
fingers, and trim
along the edge.
For the top, trim
from front to back
with guide comb
flat against head.
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