Friday, July 24, 2009

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (i

a woman). Can someone tell me the scriptures this comes from?

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

Hi...I'm Pentecostal...but my church ..which is Assembly of God church...does not believe in this legalistic is mans laws and traditions that hinder us all......I wear jeans and pants and have no problem going to church in them.....God looks at our hearts.....I really don't think He cares what we are wearing as long as it isn't leading another into temptation.......maybe you just need to look for another church

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

it doesn't it just says that women should not wear men's clothing. however, at the time ot was written, men didn't wear pants either. Tell them to take a long hike off a short pier

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

hey you got it good, at least they dont make you wear a burka to hide the bruises they give you from beating you like they would if you were a muslim

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

I'd love to talk to you without trying to have to type that fast!

I'll be back with scriptures, but you can email me if you'd like!

Scripture concerning hair: Read in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter11.

Scripture for clothing is found in Deuteronomy 22:5

A woman is not to wear clothing that is like a man's or vise versa.

Pants were initially made for men, and it wasn't the church that was first appalled, it was the world! You might check out the old Time cover that substantiates this fact.

As a result, the church has not strayed from this belief wanting to be holy and to keep separated from ungodliness.

Keep in mind that the Bible does have guidelines for you to help you, it's not "legalism", it's the word of God.

More importantly, though, you don't want to run before you can walk! You are in the right place!

Look at what the Bible says that you must do to be saved:

Acts 2:38: You must repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of your sins, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost!

You will never regret doing this!

May God Bless you!

Pray and seek God with all of your heart and let him guide you!

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

better to tell you to find a non denominational bible believing church and get away from the legalism

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

Whenever I go to church wearing no pants they won't let me in.

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

I believe in God, but not religion. It seems the one thing all organized religions (aside from Wicca - if you consider it organized) is to keep women oppressed.

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

The bible teaches that the woman is to dress modestly. It does not say that she cannot wear slacks or cut her hair. It says that the woman's hair was given for her glory. Men came up with rules to control women. You are attending an Apostolic Pentecostal church. Not all Pentecostal churches believe this way. ....Just the 'Jesus only' Apostolic churches. It think that wearing pants can be very modest. This is the scripture where they base all their teaching regarding women....

1 Timothy 2:8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; 9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, 10 but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works

I suggest you broaden your horizons... and try another Pentecostal church that does not believe this teaching.... such as the Assemblies of God or the Pentecostal church of God

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

it doesn't specifically mention what clothing is acceptable but just that you are modestly dressed without being to fancy or wearing expensive jewelery,in other words be humbly dressed and worship humbly. as for the hair the only thing i can recall is in the old testament,but it referres to conditions for the levites and ordained priests. can't recall women being forbidden to cut their hair.

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

Well, I used to go to a pentecostal church, and there were plenty of short-haired, pants-wearing women, and nobody thought less of them. Personally, I'd rather see women in church wearing pants than miniskirts. There is a prohibition against men and women cross-dressing, according to the Bible, but back when the bible was written, roman men wore togas and tunics, and roman women wore stolas and tunics, and middle eastern men and women dressed much as we see some of the more conservative middle eastern folks today. Nobody wore pants, men or women. If a woman wears pants with the intention of looking like a man, it is prohibited by the bible - but I couldnt' find the verses to support it. Sorry.

Most definitely, women are expressly forbidden to wear their hair long and loose during public (or private?) prayer. Women are supposed to either cover their hair with hats or scarves, or shave off their hair:

5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head閳ユ攰t is just as though her head were shaved. 6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.


AND women are most definitely not supposed to wear their hair braided or in other fancy styles:

9I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.


3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.


I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

I can show you the Scriptures that they have taken out of context. One is from the Old Testament but it is still valid today because it's not in God's will for men to dress up like women or women to dress like men, but you have to take it in a cultural context. For instance in America a man shouldn't wear a dress but in Scotland a man can wear a kilt which is very much like a dress. So in America where pants are not considered male only dress the church you are attending is misinterpreting the Old Testament law because it doesn't have to do with specific items of clothes as much as it has to do with cross dressing.

Deuteronomy 22:5 "A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

As far as cutting hair goes, they have a point if they mean that women shouldn't cut their hair in some type of "butch look" fashion but like the clothes it has to do with men and women looking like men and women and not about cutting hair.

1 Corinthians 11:6 For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head.

As to the person who answered before me, she has also taken a passage out of context when she talks about not braiding hair. The intent of the passage isn't about braided hair, it's about having inner beauty. There is nothing spiritual about braiding your hair but when the passage was written women would spend large sums of money on fancy hair weaves and they would show up for church and people would all be looking at them instead of being focused on Jesus. It was an outward beauty that disguised the fact that they were just rich show offs on the inside.

I have been going to a pentecostal church which does not believe in wearing pants or cutting hair (if you are

I am Pentecost and I wear dresses/skirts, but I cut my hair. When I had this discussion with our Pastor, he showed me a few Scriptures. I studied them and told him that I believed that the Scriptures did not specifically command that and the description was too vague.

He said to pray about it and the LORD would let me know. So I did pray and, as a result, I still wear dresses/skirts but continue to cut my hair.

Since I do cut my hair (and wear short sleeves) I cannot be "on the platform," which means I cannot sing with the praise team or witness at the pulpit. Someday I may decide to conform in order to be able to do those things, but not at this point.

When, and if, GOD wants me to change those things, He will let me know. (I am willing to obey the LORD without question; however the Pastor of our church is just Pastor, not my Master.)

The benefits of the Apostolic church I attend far outweigh the issues of attire. My relationship with the LORD has grown so much since my baptism in JESUS' Name, being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, and speaking in tongues. Search your heart and talk to the LORD. The HOLY SPIRIT will lead you in the right way.

Good luck %26amp; GOD bless.

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