Sunday, July 26, 2009

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

1. Peanut butter

2. Ice

3. Butter or mayo

4. Coconut oil or almond oil

with peanut butter put it around your hair and gum and wash it out.

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

Loads and loads of peanut butter. Work the peanut butter into the hair with the gum in it. Keep adding more peanut butter until the gum separates itself from the hair.

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

peanut butter is best and need it throught your hair!

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

well when you want to get it off an object you can freeze it and chip it off, but i don't know how that would work with your ahir. I guess you could try something like olive oil. Honestly i think the only way is to cut it. Just think of it as a chance to change your look.

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?



How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

peanut butter

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

peanutbutter lots of it-soap as in dish soap it will help

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

peanut butter, olive oil, vinegar, any of these should do the trick, have patience it takes some work

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

put peanut butter on the gum, and work it through your hair, it should come out, but remember to wash ur hair after that ! lol

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

I am sorry if that really happened to u, but anyway maybe try some coconut oil or any other kind of hair oil u have Good luck I hope that helps.

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

Peanut butter and didn't your mother tell you about sleeping with gum in your mouth?

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

peanut butter [or] mayo.

they both work.

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

lots of peanut butter, mayo, or olive oil, wash afterwards and it should come out!

How does one remove gum from hair without cutting the hair?

rubbing alchohol

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