Friday, July 24, 2009

Hair cutting with a razor?

Okay, I want to tell you that I straighten my hair for a style that (I guess) suits me best, would it be ok if I get it cut with a razor so the ends look in a good shape? Please note that my hair is naturally thick and wavy/curly. Here is a pic :

(yup my hair looks quite dry on that picture)

Hair cutting with a razor?

Razor cuts never make the ends look in good shape, they make the ends look fuzzy and frayed in most cases. Go to a professional and ask her/him to "point cut" your hair. She/he should hold the scissors and cut into your hair instead of cutting the ends straight across. This will get you the look you want without the fuzzy ends.

Hair cutting with a razor?

Yeah I think that it would be OK if you cut your hair with razor, my hair person does it to my ends and it gives them a good look. Go for it..I like your hair:)

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