Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm African American and want to go natural without cutting my hair. What do I need to do?

My hair is damaged from relaxers and they don't last that long. I want to grow it out but don't know to much about going natural. Is it a good idea? What could I put on my newgrow to keep it from getting to coarse?

I'm African American and want to go natural without cutting my hair. What do I need to do?

you can get braids added to your hair.....let it continue growing out and keep getting your hair will grow out in no time.

I'm African American and want to go natural without cutting my hair. What do I need to do?

If you don't cut your hair it will fall off anyway because the perm and the natural wont stay together. You need to cut it if you don't want to keep on perming it.

I'm African American and want to go natural without cutting my hair. What do I need to do?

No, don't try to grow out a relaxer. Because the ends of the hair will fall out. The best way to go natural is to cut all the relaxer in your hair and wait for it to grow back. Also use Cream of Nature hair will leave your hair soft and help it grow healthy...Good Luck =]

I'm African American and want to go natural without cutting my hair. What do I need to do?

The true answer is there is no really quick or easy way. A relaxer is permanent. It cannot be removed. There are no products that will remove a relaxer (other than scissors). If you want to just grow your hair out to a natural state, be prepared for breakage. Its been 2 years since I stopped relaxing my hair and its healthy. I can see where my new growth is when its wet. -chin level. the relaxed hair portion is still stringy and straight. I will eventually cut it as I trim it every 3 months. Trimming hair ensures good health. Just flat iron new growth to match texture of relaxed hair and trim every 3 months. Also, use good hair products like aphogee to help stop breakage.

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