Thursday, October 8, 2009

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

just use peanut butter

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

PUT Ice on it until it hardens and then you can take it out!

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Sorry, but cutting it is the only solution. There is no special way.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

use an ice cube..or mayo

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Yeah use peanut butter, or try an ice cube

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

I have used peanut butter in my kids but I think my grandma said something about using oil for some reason, don't know if it works or not, the peanut butter does though.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Try use cooking oil to get rid of it.

Do it slowly, carefully, and patiently.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

peanut butter, wash it, freeze it, charcoal lighter fluid, patience and perserverence

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

ice cubes. keep rubbing it until the gum get hard and crumbly

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

put lemon in the spot where the bubble gum is, than put ice on it and try to freeze it off. after that, take a cool shower, or just run your hair under cold water.

Good Luck!

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Put ice on it to remove it's sticky quality.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

cutting it out is the easiest

but if you have the patients to work on it

use any kind of cooking oil

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

peanut butter is a big winner as is mayo.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

It will proaly be hard to remove, i know that nurses and etc. have these whips that they use to remove medical tape and adhesive and stuff but thats mainly on the skin. Not on like a surface that is unstable and easily torn like the hair, but it can if the hair can be maintained and stable. Try mostly whipping it and washing it. Try putting some ice on it and then going to work on it. Just basically go to work on it lol. This is what i think. This is what WikiHow thinks (same people as wikipedia) and you should try this over what i say lol. PEACE!

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Freeze it with an ice cube. Or try baby oil/ cooking oil, depends on how much it is too. Also if you really can't get it out, call a salon and it's possible they might have a better solution. Good luck

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Goo Gone - you can buy it in the store.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?


How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?


Ok, first, try soaking it for an hour or two in cooking oil.

You can just keep putting more on if you cant soak.

Another Idea is to hold the gummy part between two cubes of ice for about 30 sec. Then have someone try breaking the gum up by hitting it with something (If you can, that is)

After that, depending on if you can spare the money, Go to a beauty salon, (Id wash the mayo and ice out of my hair first though)

They might know something.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

i had gum stuck in my hair b4

the peanut butter thing works

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

use hot oil, just make sure you not to burn your scalp, that will help for sure.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

If not cutting.......ripping your hear but that is painful. Hold your hear and then slowly get the gum off. sounds easy but it's not.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

peanut butter

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

peanut butter

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Peanut butter works so well because of the consistency... it's ultimately the oils that help to break done the gum... but the peanut butter's consistency is what helps to keep it in place.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Get some ice cube and keep rubbing them over the bubble gum when its gone hard it should just break off the hair.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Get a bag of monkeys and put the bag on your head. They will chew it out in a few minutes.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

ice makes it brittle that works you have to hold ice cubes on it till it freezes then its easier to get out i once had some put in my hair it was very long but it got it out

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

i heard peanut butter does the trick good luck

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

yes peanut butter does the trick, my Mom had to use it once when I was little.

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

freeze the gum using ice :D

How can i remove bubble gum from my hair without cutting it?

Burn it out!

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