Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cutting Baby's Hair?

My daughter is 9 months and her hair is in her eyes. I usually put clips in but not always. I just can't bring myself to cut it. Am I being silly? Should I just do it? How should I do it?

Cutting Baby's Hair?

You can cut it and keep her bangs or you can let it grow out to one length. If you cut it I found the easiest way is to do it in the tub when it is wet. Comb it forward and when she is playing with something (but not jumping around obviously) make 1 little snip. Then wait a few seconds and try to snip again. You can fix any unevenness once her hair is dry. I remember walking around holding scissors waiting for my 1 year old to sit still long enough to just snip 1 more piece that was hanging down! lol

If you let her bangs grow out use little barrettes to clip them off to the side. Use ones that are small enough for her not to choke on them, but keep a very close eye on her when seh wears them. Don't put them on her when she is in her crib.

Or if the hair does not seem to bother her then just leave it. My 5.5 year old is growing her bangs out and they are always in her fce - she just does not care!

Just wanted to add that if you save a lock of her hair, put it on a piece of paper (decorative if you can find it) and secure it with a drop of candle wax. I did this a few years back and the lock of hair is still secure.

Cutting Baby's Hair?

why not its only hair itll grow back

Cutting Baby's Hair?

Take her to a haircut place for kids. They usually have planes or trains the kids can sit in while they get a haircut, and for first hair cuts they put the hair in a special baggy. It is fun and a big deal. You may want to also bring a camera.

Cutting Baby's Hair?

just cut it into a bane (keep the clippings in her scrapbook)

Cutting Baby's Hair?

I wouldn't... unless you really want to for some reason. But Be sure to get her first curl for keepsake.

Cutting Baby's Hair?

No it isn't silly! If you don't want to cut it, then don't. If you do decide to cut it you could always go to a professional and see if there is a style that will keep the length but get it out of her eyes.

Cutting Baby's Hair?

I hated cutting my kids' hair the first time too! If you want to do it just make an appointment to bring her in and take lots of pictures and make her a scrap book page. Be sure to save some of the hair and get a good picture of the baby with the person who cut her hair. Yes you will feel weird and then when you see it out of her eyes you will be happy, and so will baby!!! Good Luck!!

Cutting Baby's Hair?

No you aren't being silly. With my youngest son, it took forever before I could cut his hair because he had these beautiful little curls and I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them!! I did finally get them cut at like though. But he is 2 now, and still only had his hair cut 3 times.

Cutting Baby's Hair?

yes you should just do it

Cutting Baby's Hair?

Some cultures shave thier baby's hair so it will grow back thicker, even little girls when they are only weeks old. My kids personally didn't have much hair at first, but when they did-once it started getting in thier eyes, I simply cut it! I cut my 2 year old daughters bangs all the time so she can see, and have for a long time. It's no big deal. Your being silly! just be careful, babies move a lot. Maybe when she's asleep, just lightly snip across her bangs, or have someone help you and hold her or you hold her and they do a 'trim'. It's no big deal at all! If you just want to grow them out, then just keep using clips. :-)

Cutting Baby's Hair?

have your husband do it if your too chicken! its hair not a snake use non pointy scissors please

Cutting Baby's Hair?

My daughter didn't receive her first haircut until she was 6 years old! I don't care for bangs so I just let her hair be. I either pulled it back into a ponytail, used clips, or a headband. So NO you aren't being silly!

Cutting Baby's Hair?

I did not cut my daughters hair because I did not want her to have bangs. I pull her hair back everyday. She is 25 months and getting first haircut next week. They will not be touching the bangs.

Cutting Baby's Hair?

sorry but i can let this slip .....CYAN ..... you are a very sick person and need deep physiological help . that was the most disturbing thing i have ever read . sickkkk get some help !!!!!!!!!

dont cut her hait yet she is just a baby , i think you should give it some time and think about it before you cut her hair . :)

Cutting Baby's Hair?

cutting it is fine. Those hair clips are dangerous for young children who put things in their mouth the can esily choke.(i have personally stopped many a baby from doing just that.)

Cutting Baby's Hair?

don't do it if your not comfortable with doing it yet no rush you could always put her hair up in some cute hairstyles

Cutting Baby's Hair?

i would say just continue to clip it back . . i've always heard that you shouldn't cut a baby's hair until they are at least a year old . .

Cutting Baby's Hair?

Yes, you are being silly. Just cut it. Get some of those blunt tipped scissors and do it while she is sleeping.

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